peace & unrest

*files older than September '09 are here.

Peace & Unrest is a Sims fan blog. When a download is for the Sims 3, the post will state so clearly in the title. The archives above will lead you to older posts and custom content for the Sims 2. You are free to do anything you want with my creations, just drop me a line via .

To make things simpler (or get you totally lost in the maze that is this blog):
annoyance || apartment || bedroom || desktop || dining || i have a life outside the sims || kitchen || living || misc || non-download || obsessing || outdoor || patio || pattern || picture story || skin - af || study || sims 4 only || sims 3 only || sims 1 only.

layout is by Cia: (Blog | Acc) and modifications are my own.
link inspiration from: Alissa. xoxo
images from: 50 watts.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bon Voyage came with tons of themed objects, but back then I did not know how to recolor so I could never actually picture some EAxis object in one of my houses. Now, three years later, two things have changed. Creators like Anna make batches of wonderful recolors for Maxis meshes with potential. Second, I've basically recolored half the things before putting them into the house... and in that sense having an individual style can become a curse. (:
I hope you like my attempt at an artist's abode, a log cabin with an air of seclusion - inspired by the art of one of my very favorite artists, Kris Knight.


out the back door - what do ya know, a wooden bathtub in the open.

the door to the side of the sofa opens onto a bedroom with a glass wall..

and outside the glass wall..

The rickety rope-ladder leads to a small wooden platform. In February, the artist tied a noose to one branch high above the ground and ended his life in the wilderness. His dog is often heard howling from someplace deep in the woods late at night.

the end.

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