peace & unrest

*files older than September '09 are here.

Peace & Unrest is a Sims fan blog. When a download is for the Sims 3, the post will state so clearly in the title. The archives above will lead you to older posts and custom content for the Sims 2. You are free to do anything you want with my creations, just drop me a line via .

To make things simpler (or get you totally lost in the maze that is this blog):
annoyance || apartment || bedroom || desktop || dining || i have a life outside the sims || kitchen || living || misc || non-download || obsessing || outdoor || patio || pattern || picture story || skin - af || study || sims 4 only || sims 3 only || sims 1 only.

layout is by Cia: (Blog | Acc) and modifications are my own.
link inspiration from: Alissa. xoxo
images from: 50 watts.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Club 84 - Sophie (Michael Casette Mix)

Step 1: waste the daylight hours - stand around and read up on fishing skills like a total dork.

Step 2: look for  a flash of fins, or a glimmer of scales, or even any sign of turbulence in the water. Who cares if it takes all day? You don't have anything waiting for you at home.

Step 3: do not go home empty-handed. Earn your prize and flail it around like a chump... err, champ. 

Turns out you do have something to look forward to - a sad, lonesome meal. Now return and cook it. Try not to choke on any fish bones.

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clutter-a-holic limelove spring 4 sims nonsensica femme fatale miss tiikeri salix sims grito newtlco ritsukacom strawberry mousse street kid stereo