peace & unrest

*files older than September '09 are here.

Peace & Unrest is a Sims fan blog. When a download is for the Sims 3, the post will state so clearly in the title. The archives above will lead you to older posts and custom content for the Sims 2. You are free to do anything you want with my creations, just drop me a line via .

To make things simpler (or get you totally lost in the maze that is this blog):
annoyance || apartment || bedroom || desktop || dining || i have a life outside the sims || kitchen || living || misc || non-download || obsessing || outdoor || patio || pattern || picture story || skin - af || study || sims 4 only || sims 3 only || sims 1 only.

layout is by Cia: (Blog | Acc) and modifications are my own.
link inspiration from: Alissa. xoxo
images from: 50 watts.
Monday, November 23, 2009
While I was making recolors for 8-3 studio's girl room set a month ago, I decided to make some for the Blythe doll box as well. Since I used to [used to being the operative word here] think these toys were pretty fucking awesome, I made some uglydoll boxes. After I was done, I remembered how nixy had made an enormous set of uglydolls in various positions. And it was brilliant.

So I went to nixy's site to find a link to that post, just so people could have the boxes and the dolls together in their game if they wanted. That is when I found out how the company responded to the meshes. I was excited about the whole uglydolls-coming-into-the-sims-2 business, but the company's reaction pretty much changes everything. Because I'm not sharing these anymore, this might be a useless rant to some, obsessive/pointless blogging to others. But it's my opinion, and share it I must.

nixy I still think your dolls were awesome.


clutter-a-holic limelove spring 4 sims nonsensica femme fatale miss tiikeri salix sims grito newtlco ritsukacom strawberry mousse street kid stereo